NOTE: This is the on-line version of the documentation for the complete HOORAY for MATHS program. It is included with the demo to give you an idea of the features available in the full version. HOORAY for MATHS - IBM PC CD-ROM Parent/Teacher Guide Copyright LANDER SOFTWARE 1996 Based on an original program by T R Tulloch Instrument tones (C) 1993 The Fat Man Sound and Music System (C) 1991-2 Miles Design LANDER SOFTWARE is a trading name of Scetlander Limited Page 1 ^PF CONTENTS Page Welcome 3 Terminology 3 Before you start - README & WHATSNEW 4 SETUP 5 Sound card notes 5 Uninstallation 6 About HOORAY for MATHS 7 Features 7 Parent/Teacher Section 7 Setting levels 7 Choosing functions 7 Certificate of Merit 7 Adjusting time allowed 7 Monitoring results & printing 8 High Score Tables 8 Using the program for the first time 9 Loading instructions 9 Getting started 10 Quitting 10 National Curriculum 11 Useful hints and educational advice 12 Troubleshooting 14 Good practice ... some suggestions 19 Defaults 19 Helpline 19 About LANDER SOFTWARE 20 Conditions of Licence 20 Other programs from LANDER SOFTWARE 21 Page 2 ^PF HOORAY for MATHS WELCOME to HOORAY for MATHS and to the world of multimedia assisted learning. HOORAY for MATHS has stunning, state-of-the-art graphics and features the latest 3D animation techniques. Add to this the extensive use of music, speech and sound effects, and you have a program which will delight and educate as well as providing endless motivation. Tens of thousands of satisfied LANDER SOFTWARE users have proved that LANDER programs really work. With regular practice, results improve - substantially. Terminology We use bold letters inside chevron brackets < > for single keys such as and . refers to the keys marked <--', Enter or Return. A hyphen means that you press two keys together: ie, means "while holding down , press and release ". refers to the key marked Ctrl or Control. Throughout the program, and particularly in the Parent/Teacher Section, you will select various options. Use one of the following methods: 1 Click on the required option using the left mouse button. 2 Press the key corresponding to the highlighted letter. 3 Press or click on or when requested. NB For context sensitive help, click on required option using the right mouse button. Page 3 ^PF Before you start - README & WHATSNEW Your program contains two files which give information supplementary to the Parent/Teacher Guide. The README file contains any updated installation information. Check it before running the program. Do it this way: Windows '95 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 Double click on My Computer. 3 Double click on CD-ROM disk icon. 4 Select README to view README text which will be displayed in the Windows Notepad. 5 To print the README file, select Print in the Notepad File menu. Windows 3.x 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 In Program Manager, select Notepad. 3 Select File, then Open. 4 Click on Drives then select d: (where D is your CD-ROM drive). 5 Double click on README.TXT and the README file will be displayed in the Windows Notepad. 6 To print the README file, select Print in the Notepad File menu. MS-DOS 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 Make this the current drive. 3 Type README then press . 4 To print the README file, press . The WHATSNEW file may contain information on changes or additions made after this Guide was written and should be read before running the program. It will automatically load (Windows users only) once Setup has been completed (see next page). If you want to read it again (or for DOS users) at any time, follow the instructions for README, but select WHATSNEW instead. Page 4 ^PF SETUP Your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM contains a Setup program which makes this task very simple. It will also automatically create a Windows ICON for you to load the program (for Windows users only). It is essential that you use Setup before running the program. Do it this way: Windows '95 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 Click on the Start button on the taskbar. 3 Select Run. 4 Type D:\SETUP (where D is your CD-ROM drive). 5 Follow on-screen instructions, selecting Help where necessary. Windows 3.x 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 In Program Manager, select File. 3 Select Run. 4 For Command Line type D:\SETUP (where D is your CD-ROM drive). 5 Select OK. 6 Follow on-screen instructions, selecting Help where necessary. MS-DOS 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 Make this the current drive. 3 Type DOSSETUP then press . 4 Follow on-screen instructions to set up the program. Sound card notes The first time you use HOORAY for MATHS the Sound Setup utility (SSETUP) will run automatically. This configures the program to run with your sound hardware/software. Please note the following points regarding sound card support: 1 Your card may be compatible with more than one of the listed cards. The most powerfully compatible card will normally be selected automatically. 2 Should SSETUP fail to identify a suitable card, make your selection manually. If you have a sound card which is not listed, select a compatible one. 3 Cards which support both digitized effects and synthesized music can sometimes cause a computer to "slow down" when both features are in simultaneous use. If this is a problem, switch SOUND (in the Parent /Teacher Section) to either MUSIC only or FX ONLY. Page 5 ^PF 4 If you change your sound card you will have to use SSETUP again. It can be accessed via File Manager in Windows or by typing SSETUP at the CD-ROM drive DOS prompt. 5 Users of the Gravis Ultrasound card must load the Sound Blaster emulation utility (SBOS) before setting up HOORAY FOR MATHS or running the program. NB If you experience any problems, please check Troubleshooting (page 14) for help. Uninstallation To enable you to remove the HOORAY for MATHS files from your hard disk, we have included a special utility. Do it this way: Windows '95 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 Click on Start button. 3 Select Programs. 4 Select group containing HOORAY for MATHS. 5 Click on Uninstall icon. 6 Follow on-screen instructions, selecting Help where necessary. Windows 3.x 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 In Program Manager, open the group containing HOORAY for MATHS. 3 Double click on the Uninstall icon. 4 Follow on-screen instructions, selecting Help where necessary. MS-DOS 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 Make this the current drive. 3 Type DOSUNINS then press . 4 Follow on-screen instructions to uninstall the program. NB Uninstall does not remove icons or groups from Windows. You should delete these manually. Page 6 ^PF About HOORAY for MATHS The story so far ... Henrietta and Hopeless Henry are getting married in the morning. But all is not well. That mischievous bird, John the Parrot, appears at the last moment and is determined to create havoc. He steals the groom's wedding clothes and kidnaps the groom himself. If Henry isn't rescued in time, John will cover him in cold custard! You must help Henrietta collect Henry's coat, hat, shirt and trousers, otherwise the wedding will be cancelled! Can you get Henry to the church on time? Features HOORAY for MATHS provides varied and stimulating practice in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division over a wide range of ability levels. An endless supply of computer generated problems at all levels ensures boredom-free practice. A major feature is the Parent/Teacher Section. This ensures the most appropriate starting level for any user. Results can be recorded, viewed and printed. To obtain satisfactory results from this program, it is essential that you know how to use the Parent/Teacher Section. Use the mouse to access it or press

at the Control Screen. On-screen help is available at all times by selecting the mouth button or by pressing . The program has eight levels of difficulty. These are selected by the student but, in addition, you can modify each level to a LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH setting in the Parent/Teacher Section. A separate High Score Table is provided for each of these settings. You can concentrate on all or any of the four arithmetical functions alone or in various combinations by selecting QUESTIONS ON once the Parent /Teacher Section has been accessed. You may also practise multiplication tables. The computer monitors progress and automatically adjusts the level of challenge upward after each set of exercises has been successfully completed. A Certificate of Merit appears on screen when the final set (level 8) is completed. This Certificate can be printed - see Troubleshooting (page 14) if you have any problems. An adjustable timer (very slow to very fast) encourages quick thinking. However, adequate time must be allowed and questions should not be made too difficult. Do not expect a student to tackle without help questions well beyond his or her current skill level. Page 7 ^PF A comprehensive results monitoring facility may be switched on or off to enable a student's progress to be recorded. It can also be used to save and check the work done by up to ten different students after each has completed a set of exercises. Select to print results for future reference. Three separate High Score Tables (LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH) enable other members of the family, friends or colleagues to join in the challenge. This undoubtedly adds to the fun and excitement. With three such tables, students compete only with their broad peer group. With a sound card supported by LANDER SOFTWARE, you will not only enjoy, but also benefit from a full range of sound effects, high quality speech and music. These additions enhance the program's effectiveness enormously. Indeed, research has shown that certain types of music can strongly influence a student's learning process. Every piece has been carefully selected and arranged for maximum effect. NB On-screen help for both teachers and students is always available. Select the mouth button (where available) or HELP with your mouse or press and follow on-screen instructions. Context relevant help is also available by clicking on the required option with the right mouse button. Page 8 ^PF Using the program for the first time Loading instructions Please ensure you have read and understood the Conditions of Licence on page 20. Your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM has two information files which should be read before running the program. See page 4 for details. After setting up the program (see page 5), load it thus: Windows '95 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 Click on Start button. 3 Select Programs. 4 Select Group containing HOORAY for MATHS icon. 5 Click on HOORAY for MATHS icon. Windows 3.x 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 In Program Manager, open the group containing the HOORAY for MATHS icon. 3 Double click on the HOORAY for MATHS icon. MS-DOS 1 Insert your HOORAY for MATHS CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2 Make this the current drive. 3 Type GO then press . NB The first time you load the program, SSETUP will run automatically. Page 9 ^PF Getting started 1 After loading the program (see page 9), press or wait until the Control Screen appears. To customise the program, go to 2. To use the defaults set by us (see page 19), select START or press for the screen which outlines your task and asks for your name. Now go to 4. 2 To customise the program, select Parent/Teacher Section at the Control Screen. You can now view and alter a wide range of parameters. Select HELP or press for detailed help at any stage. If ACCESS is set to LIMITED, you will have to press to enter the Parent/Teacher Section. 3 Return to the Control Screen by selecting BACK or pressing , then select START or press to go to the screen which outlines your task and asks for your name. 4 Type your name and press . 5 Select starting level. Type a number from 1 (easy) to 8 (difficult). 6 Select OK or press and the first of four different game screens will appear. Each screen displays a symbol (+ - x ÷). This shows which type of exercise is on that screen. 7 To answer each question, type the answer followed by . Don't worry if you get it wrong. The question will be repeated. After three incorrect attempts, the correct answer is always given. The next question appears automatically after each correct answer. 8 Your session finishes either when you complete all exercises correctly (each within the time limit set), or when John the Parrot covers Henry in custard. 9 If you have scored highly enough, your name and score will appear on the appropriate High Score Table. If you don't manage to finish in time, you can start again at the same or a less difficult level. 10 If RECORD RESULTS was set to YES, you can inspect your work by selecting BACK or pressing to return to the Control Screen and then entering the Parent/Teacher Section. Select VIEW RESULTS or press V to view all. Select PRINT or press to print your results. Select HELP or press for help at any time. Notes: 1 You can return to the Control Screen at any time by repeatedly pressing or selecting BACK (where available). 2 You can reset the High Score Table to zero values by selecting the RESET button on the High Score Table screen. Quitting from the program Press almost anywhere in the program. After confirming your decision (by selecting or ), you will quit and exit HOORAY for MATHS. Page 10 ^PF National Curriculum The National Curriculum applies to England & Wales only. However, Scotland, Ireland and many other countries have broadly similar standards and requirements. The following table shows the approximate relationship between National Curriculum Attainment Levels, age and the difficulty of questions set by the program. The LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH settings are determined by the tutor via the Parent/Teacher Section (see page 7). The figures shown in the end column refer to the levels chosen by the student. Use pen and paper and/or calculator in accordance with National Curriculum guidelines. When the program is used with small groups (children and/or adults) it becomes a focal point for animated debate. This helps develop essential social skills such as communication, understanding and co-operation. The use of reference books should be encouraged. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- National Curricm. Approx Age HOORAY for MATHS Attainment Levels (years) Relevant question settings --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 5 - 7 Add\Sub: LOW 1-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 6 - 9 Add\Sub: LOW 4-6 MED 1-3 HIGH 1-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 8 - 11 Add\Sub: LOW 7-8 Mult\Div: LOW 1-8 MED 4-6 MED 1-4 HIGH 2-4 HIGH 1-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 9 - 13 Add\Sub: MED 7-8 Mult\Div: MED 5-8 HIGH 5-7 HIGH 3-6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 12+ Add\Sub: HIGH 8 Mult\Div: HIGH 7-8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 11 ^PF Useful hints and educational advice Once you have become familiar with the many, powerful features of this program, you can quickly and easily customise it for any student. In the meantime, the following should help you obtain as much benefit as possible with the least possible effort. 1 When using the program with younger children, it is almost certain that they will only be able to cope with addition (or perhaps addition and subtraction) at a very basic level. Via the Parent/Teacher Section (see page 7), make sure you set QUESTIONS ON to ADDITION or ADD & SUB. Set QUESTION DIFFICULTY to LOW or MEDIUM and TIME ALLOWED to as high a setting as required. 2 It is better to allow too much time initially than too little. Typically, a TIME ALLOWED setting of about 4 is usually OK. Alter up or down as required. 3 HOORAY for MATHS has only four main game screens. This is deliberate as the excitement is derived (after initial enthusiasm) from the mathematical tasks, NOT from pretty pictures! Too many different game screens would, we believe, simply distract younger students especially. If the fun doesn't seem to be there, reduce the time allowed and raise the level of challenge. You'll be amazed at the difference this can make. 4 Use the TABLES facility to practise multiplication tables. By setting the highest and lowest numbers, you can concentrate precisely on what you want. 5 Use the three High Score Tables sensibly. Less able and younger students should use the program (at least initially) with a LOW setting. In this way, not only will more advanced students using MEDIUM or HIGH be challenged with tougher problems, but their results will appear on a different High Score Table from their less advanced colleagues. This kind of peer group competition is generally preferable, particularly in an educational situation. 6 At the higher settings, the use of a calculator may be acceptable. Make sure adequate time is allowed. 7 Children often use HOORAY for MATHS in groups. One calculates the answers, a second enters them, and a third checks everything is running smoothly (including the time). Try it. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how efficient they can be. 8 Print results at regular intervals. This gives you accurate records for future reference. But ensure your computer calendar is set correctly. Page 12 ^PF 9 You can control what sounds (if any) you want the program to generate. Select SOUND in the Parent/Teacher Section and choose from ALL, FX ONLY (sound effects only), MUSIC ONLY and NONE (no sound effects, music or speech). 10 If you are using a sound card, you may find that the sound disturbs others. Overcome this problem by using inexpensive earphones instead of loudspeakers. Two students can still work together using two sets of earphones and a suitable adaptor. 11 In short, use the program in whatever way you find best. Don't be afraid to experiment. It's lots of fun and it really does work! Page 13 ^PF Troubleshooting When a program fails to load or run properly, there can be many reasons for this. Before contacting our Customer Services Department, please consider the following: Problem When running HOORAY for MATHS in DOS, you type the correct command to start the program, but get the message "bad command or file name". Solution You are probably not on the correct drive. Before typing GO to start HOORAY for MATHS, make sure you are at the CD-ROM drive DOS prompt. Alternatively, see page 5 to set the program up to run in Windows. Problem SSETUP does not automatically detect your sound card. Solution SSETUP checks to see whether one of a number of sound cards is installed. It does this by attempting to initialise the card. To do this it has to make assumptions about the sound card settings (IRQ, I/O Address and DMA channel). The assumptions it makes are that the settings are the factory defaults. If the factory defaults have been changed, SSETUP will not be able to detect the card. To overcome this you will need to establish the actual settings of your card. Then select your card (or a compatible one) from the SSETUP menu and enter the correct settings in the appropriate boxes. The card should now test OK and the settings can be saved to disk. Problem Your sound card has been set up correctly but no speech or music is heard. Solution 1 Check that all possible volume controls are at an audible setting. There are potentially four different controls that can affect the volume: volume control on the speakers; volume control on the sound card; DOS mixer utility; Windows mixer utility. If the volume is set to zero on any of these, no sound will be heard. Solution 2 Sound is switched to OFF in the Parent/Teacher Section. This can be rectified by switching sound to ALL. If this is not subsequently saved as a default, when the program is reloaded it will again be silent. Solution 3 Music and sound effects need memory to be played. If your free conventional memory is low, the first thing to be lost will be the sound. To rectify this problem, ensure you have at least the minimum specified amount of free conventional RAM. Solution 4 Check that the card has actually been set up correctly. Start the program with the /D option (see page 18) which will show whether the music and speech drivers have been initialised successfully. If they haven't, run SSETUP again (see page 5). Page 14 ^PF Problem The program crashes during loading. Solution 1 Such problems are normally due to a shortage of conventional RAM. To correct this problem, ensure you have at least the minimum specified amount of free conventional RAM. Solution 2 Some essential files could be missing. This may have been caused by an incomplete installation. The installation program will not proceed if there is not enough space to install all the files. However DOS does not always give an accurate figure for the amount of free space on a hard disk. This could mean that only some files are loaded. To check if this is the case, delete the program from the hard disk and reinstall. Watch for any error messages. If a "disk full" error occurs, some free space on the hard drive will have to be created by removing other software. Problem When running a program from Windows, you see a message saying that the DMA buffer size is too small. Solution Increase the DMABUFFERSIZE to 64. This will ensure that all DOS programs that play digital samples will have sufficient buffer space to run in Windows. This is normally done automatically during SETUP. Problem When running the program through Windows the message "Warning, program has violated system integrity ..." appears. Solution If one of the "errors that should never occur" (see page 18) happens while Windows is running the above message will appear. Treat this message in the same way as you would an error of this type. Problem Strange characters appear on the paper when results are printed. Solution HOORAY for MATHS supports the three most common printers. Check that the printer choice displayed in the Parent/Teacher section matches your printer. Even if your printer is not one of those listed, it will almost certainly be able to emulate one. Your printer manual should list the emulations available and give instructions on how to switch to the correct mode. Page 15 ^PF Problem The Certificate of Merit does not print properly or at all. Solution Hooray for Maths supports directly three of the most commmon printer types. Even if you do not have one of these printers, it is very likely your printer will be compatible with one of them. This is fine for most text applications (like printing results), but problems can arise when printing a graphic. One solution is to use the Save feature on the Certificate screen. This will save a copy of your certificate on your hard disk. HOORAY for MATHS will tell you the name of the file and where it is stored (the file will be in the format 'PCX'). You can then load this file into any graphics package (and most word processors) from where you should be able to print it successfully. Error Codes Normally when something goes wrong, the program will give you a message telling you what has happened. In some cases however, only an error code number will be given. The most common are as follows: 2 File not found The program cannot locate a file that it needs to be able to run. Check that the program has been installed properly (see The program crashes during loading, Solution 2 above). 3 Path not found This error should not normally occur but could surface on networks configured in a certain way. The best solution here would be to install the program on the user's network station as opposed to the network server. But remember, you can only use HOORAY for MATHS on a network if you have the appropriate Lander multi-user licence. 4 Too many open files This error will occur if the FILES=XX command is missing from your CONFIG.SYS file or the number of files (XX) is less than 20. To rectify this problem, add to/amend the CONFIG.SYS file. 5 File access denied This error should not normally occur but could surface on networks configured in a certain way. The best solution here would be to install the program on the user's network station as opposed to the network server. But remember, you can only use HOORAY for MATHS on a network if you have the appropriate Lander multi-user licence. The only other possible cause is if the attribute of the files has been changed to READ only. This error will then be generated when the program tries to update the result file or high score table etc. Page 16 ^PF 100 Disk read error There is a problem with your hard drive. Try to fix this using a disk repair program such as Norton Disk Doctor, CHKDSK (available with all versions of DOS) or Scandisk (available with DOS 6 and later). When the errors have been removed, the program should be reinstalled. 101 Disk write error Your hard disk is full. Space should be freed by removing unwanted programs. Alternatively, purchase a larger hard disk. 150 Disk is write-protected Should not occur on a hard disk but some Virus protection software can make DOS think that the hard disk is write-protected. If this occurs, switch off the relevant feature of the Virus software. 152 Drive not ready Will normally occur if the CD is removed while the program is in use. Solution - don't do it! 154-158, 161 Various disk-based errors If any of these appear it would suggest that there is a hardware problem with your hard disk or hard disk controller. 159,160 Various printer errors These errors can appear if the printer is out of paper, off line, or not switched on. Any negative number Negative error numbers usually appear due to a shortage of conventional RAM. If the problem persists when sufficient conventional RAM is available, check that the program has been installed properly. Page 17 ^PF Errors that should not occur [1,6,12,15,16,17,102..106,151,153, 200-207] If one of these error numbers appears, a "glitch" has occurred. The error should not appear again but if it does, it would suggest a hardware fault inside the computer. NB When the program loads it will try automatically to detect various features available on your computer. If the program does not find a feature which it requires, it will not run. On certain computers however, the program may not be able to detect a given feature, even although it is present. If the program does not work on your computer, try starting it in one of the ways detailed below: type HH /S then press to bypass sound checking (program will be silent) type HH /T then press to bypass music driver loading (program will play without music) type HH /U then press to bypass speech driver loading (program will play without digital speech) type HH /V then press to bypass video display checking type HH /P then press to bypass processor checking If after making these checks you are still having difficulty, please contact our Customer Service Department. You will receive a prompt and helpful response. CD-ROMs which have become corrupt for any reason whatsoever within one month of purchase will be replaced free of charge. NB This replacement service is only available to Registered Users, so please make sure you complete and return your registration card if you have not already done so. Page 18 ^PF Good practice ... some suggestions Our software is supplied on disks which are extremely reliable. In certain circumstances however, they may be affected by static electricity and stray magnetic fields. Keep disks well away from magnets and devices which contain them (such as electric motors and loudspeakers). When not in use, store disks in a protective box. Do not leave them lying about. The program runs with the following pre-set defaults, all of which can be altered via the Parent/Teacher Section: SOUND: ALL QUESTIONS ON: ALL TABLE TO PRACTISE: 12 TABLES MAXIMUM: 10 QUESTION DIFFICULTY: MED TIME ALLOWED: 4 RECORD RESULTS: YES ACCESS TO THIS SECTION: FULL PRINTER: EPSON DOT-MATRIX For full details of these and other available settings, select HELP in the Parent/Teacher Section Helpline If you encounter a problem with this program, please contact our Customer Service Department. You can write, 'phone, or fax. We promise a prompt, friendly and helpful response. Always give us the following information, as well as describing your problem: * Make and model of computer * Which version of DOS or WINDOWS you are using * Make and model of sound card * How much free memory (RAM) is available before you load HOORAY for MATHS * The version number of HOORAY for MATHS (refer to Control Screen, if possible) Tel: +44 (0) 41 226 5611 Fax: +44 (0) 41 226 5622 E-mail LANDER@CIX.COMPULINK.CO.UK Page 19 ^PF About LANDER SOFTWARE LANDER SOFTWARE is a trading name of Scetlander Limited which was formed in early 1986 as an innovative partnership between education and industry. It has become a highly respected company producing and publishing quality software for education, edutainment and training. All our programs are created in close collaboration with leading educators and relevant experts and many have been translated into other languages. They are used throughout the world by children and adults of all ages and abilities. Our reputation for quality and after-sales support is your guarantee of complete satisfaction. Conditions of Licence We, Lander Software ("Lander") retain proprietary rights in the content of all CD-ROM(s) ("the Software") and documentation which is licensed to you on the following conditions: 1 Use of the Software by you or any other party confirms acceptance of these Conditions. 2 You are permitted to set up the Software on your computer's hard disk. 3 The Software may be used on more than one computer but never on more than one computer or terminal at any one time unless a Lander Multi-User or Network Licence has first been acquired. 4 You may not use the Software for public library, club or commercial purposes unless you first acquire the appropriate Lander licence. 5 Alterations to and versions of the Software and/or its documentation may not be made without our prior written consent. 6 You may lend or dispose of the Software (which must first be uninstalled from your computer's hard drive) with its documentation to another party only if that party agrees to be bound by these Conditions. All rights reserved. Except as specified above, no part of the Software or its documentation may be reproduced, stored on a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without our prior written permission. If you are in any doubt whatsoever regarding these Conditions, please contact us for advice since a breach could result in a criminal as well as a civil offence being committed. Nothing contained herein shall affect the statutory rights of a consumer. Published by: LANDER SOFTWARE, 1 Atlantic Quay, Glasgow G2 8JE, UK Tel: +44 (0)141-226 5611 Fax: +44 (0)141-226 5622 E-Mail: LANDER@CIX.COMPULINK.CO.UK LANDER SOFTWARE is a trading name of Scetlander Limited, a subsidiary of Scotlander plc All trademarks acknowledged Page 20 ^PF Other programs from LANDER SOFTWARE include: Hooray for Spelling CD-ROM (7 - adult) Great fun with words. Choose to work in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish - complete with accents. The most flexible and popular British program of its kind. Spellbound! CD-ROM (7 - adult) An exciting, arcade action game with a difference. Provides endless fun and motivation whilst developing logic, memory and spelling skills. EDUCATION Gold Series CD-ROM (3 - adult) Four popular programs on a single CD. Hooray for Henrietta, Henrietta's Book of Spells, Spellbound! and Count & Add present endless maths and spelling challenges for any age. NB Hooray for Henrietta, Henrietta's Book of Spells, Spellbound! and Count & Add are also available individually as diskette programs. PAL, PALSTAR and SpellPAL (all ages) An exceptional suite of programs to help improve the accuracy, quantity and quality of your word processor work. Many applications, including assistance for slow "typists". dyslexic students and those for whom English is a second or foreign language. An unusual but effective suite of programs to help develop "writing" skills. For all sales enquiries and orders, phone our FREE sales hotline (UK only) 0800 40 30 40 All other enquiries and technical support 'phone +44 (0)141 226 5611 or fax +44 (0)141 226 5622 Page 21